This year’s Amazing Las Vegas Comic-Con was the biggest and best yet. As Las Vegas continues to grow, both in size and cultural offerings (such as the explosion of professional sports teams including the Golden Knights who made it to the Stanley Cup finals in their first year), so too are the art, nerd, and geek events. This year, Amazing Comic-Con partnered with Collider, who brought more than a handful of professional quality panels to the stage. But the friendly, small-town atmosphere and do-it-yourself indie artists and cosplayers continued to be a welcome presence.

Here’s some of our favorite photos from the event, including pics from the Charlie Cox (DaredevilStardust) panel, the Kevin Eastman (creator of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) panel, a host of cosplayers, and some amazing art.

Darryl A. Armstrong

Darryl A. Armstrong works in marketing and advertising and writes about pop culture. His work has been featured in Bright Wall/Dark Room, Film Inquiry, and Image Journal's Arts & Faith Top 100 Films list. He lives in Las Vegas, Nevada with his two children.

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