Sony and Marvel’s new installment of the quick witted web slinger has narrowed their list to two candidates: Tom Holland (The Secret World of...
Category - Comic Book Movies
Just try and not tear up while watching the Bat Kid Begins trailer. I dare you.
I can't believe we are fucking doing this!!!! #Preacher
— Seth Rogen (@Sethrogen) May 13, 2015
What do you think?
Source: This is the clearest look at Ben Affleck’s Batman yet
Photos of the tiny Ant-Man billboards surfaced on Reddit. So far they seem limited to Australia. Have you seen these in your town?
Avengers assemble…..for role call!
THR has reported that Robert Kirkman’s latest comic-to-TV adaptation, Outcast, has been picked up to series at Cinemax. Kirkman penned the...
Marvel Studios and Sony Pictures are bringing Spider-Man into the MCU!
It’s happening! After months of rumors and speculations, Spider-Man will be apart of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). Marvel and Sony...
Another trailer for Marvel’s “Avengers: Age of Ultron” was just released (for those not watching the College Football Playoff...
It’s been known for quite some time now that Channing Tatum would be playing Gambit in the X-Men film universe and now we officially have a...