Here is a comparison of the ‘Oh, The Guilt’ storyboards and Zoom rehearsal audio from the year 2020 and the final scene as it appears in the film...
Category - Exclusives
Exclusive: Interview with Alan Rudolph About Breakfast of Champions with Bruce Willis
25 years after its initial release, Kurt Vonnegut’s biting portrayal of America’s mad chaos, BREAKFAST OF CHAMPIONS returns in a restored 4K version...
Midnight Taxi is an intriguing tale, and there was a script you created before shooting, but how far from the original idea is the finished version...
For a long time, I had a distaste for Mondo for various reasons, which I will expand upon below. This affected my purchases of anything with a Mondo...
Was your third eye open a little wider during the pandemic? My extrasensory perception was more advanced during lockdown. I recall having vivid...
Back in 1996, as a gangly gay waif at the rear of a desolate movie theatre, I chanced upon Scream with a friend. We cowered in the back row and...
The conclusion to my chat with Sarah Lowe! Enjoy as we spill some tea. And Phil gets overly emotional as he always does with Sarah. You can catch...
It was a great honor to chat with Sarah Lowe, longtime friend whom I met through improv and who also LOVES CATS! Enjoy as we spill some tea. Part 1...
Sara Coates: Twitter: @slcoates Instagram: scoatesy TikTok: scoatesy Phil Faiss: Twitter: @philoweenshow Instagram: philoween TikTok:...