n the early days of our nation wide quarantine, I reached out to a few friends, musicians, and music writers to compile a pandemic playlist—what...
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The Consumption of the Children of Scarcity: How Gretel & Hansel Is a Fable for Our Times
“What is to become of us? How are we to feed our poor children, when we no longer have anything for ourselves?” – The Wood-cutter, “Hansel and...
s a fan of both Nick Hornby’s novel and the film adaptation with John Cusack, a mixture of excitement and skepticism brewed within me when I heard...
oets do not tend to be served particularly well on the movie screen. The landscape of cinematic poets is studded with examples of the trite (The...
already posted my more general, overarching rant about Rise of Skywalker that praised what it did right but generally griped about what it did wrong...
street-level high window and socks hanging on a rack to dry are all we need to know where we are; the humble poor residence of the Kim family: middle...
hile it may not look like it at first glance, The Witcher is a risky bet for Netflix. With Amazon gearing up its Lord of the Rings series, audiences...
’m not sure how much preamble this review really needs. Anyone reading this is likely already a Star Wars fan who has seen most or all of the dozen...
he first long trailer for the Ghostbusters reboot, Ghostbusters: Afterlife dropped recently and I have to admit it checks a lot of boxes. The problem...
Mars: What Happens when you Mix Sci-fi Drama and Academic Footnotes?
roduced by and originally airing on National Geographic – its sister channel, FX – and recently ported over to Netflix for its second season, Mars is...