The first 8 minutes of this video are pretty damn convincing.
Category - Gossip
Robert Rodriguez is in negotiations to direct “Alita: Battle Angel,” a live-action adaptation of the popular Japanese manga that James Cameron and...
Firefox Founder Blake Ross wrote tech-savvy fan fiction that’s shockingly not-bad, and it picks up right where Season 2 left off. You can read...
BACK TO THE FUTURE alluded to the John F Kennedy Assassination in more ways than one! Lorraine Baines?…..the “B” in LBJ is...
NASA has discovered Water on Mars! “Mars is not the dry, arid planet we thought,” NASA’s Jim Green announced. “Under certain...
Benicio Del Toro Finally Confirms Villain Role in Star Wars Episode VIII
The gossip is spreading as we approach FORCE FRIDAY!! Star Wars: Episode VIII casting is well underway, and rumors have been circulating that Benicio...
Source: Gregory Hill
The reel, put together by director Kerry Conran (Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow), shows off some fantastic visuals from concept art that had...
Ryan Gosling is in negotiations to star in Alcon Entertainment’s sequel to BLADE RUNNER, being directed by Denis Villeneuve (Prisoners) and executive...