emember that one time, in a global pandemic, when we made a taut horror movie spectacle in the span of three months?” Said no one. EVER. Unless of...
Category - Movies
Hubert “Cubby” Selby Jr. (July 23, 1928 – April 26, 2004) was an American writer. His best-known novels are Last Exit to Brooklyn (1964)...
Acclaimed director Scott Cooper (Crazy Heart, Hostiles) and horror maestro Guillermo del Toro (The Shape of Water) tease their upcoming Searchlight...
Cast Keanu Reeves, Alex Winter, Samara Weaving, Brigette Lundy-Paine, William Sadler, director Dean Parisot alongside writers Ed Solomon and Chris...
hen people describe this film they start by saying that it is much like Groundhog Day, the Harold Ramis picture. That’s an over generalization and I...
A story about Marie Sklodowska-Curie and Pierre Curie, and the struggle for Marie SC to be accepted by the scientific community both as a women, and...
Interstellar is Christopher Nolan at his most grandiose. The movie, its score, Nolan’s direction is a beautiful continuance of everything he...