“The work that has influenced me the most in my anime profession would be, of course, Blade Runner,” Shinichiro Watanabe
Category - Movies
The filmmakers created a whole new style of animation that really brings him to life.
What is Lovers Lane about? Lovers Lane is the story of Sonny Malloy and Penney Parker, two young rebels who embark on a murderous crime spree across...
Level 3- The Motion Picture Sizzle Reel/ Phim Vo Thuat Cua Nguoi Viet o My
I write this review as someone who has been a fan of the comics and animated film for over 20 years (one of my first tattoos was of Battle Angel). I...
will admit up front that I had reservations about the new Taraji P. Henson led gender flip comedy What Men Want. While I love Henson, and would...
Young boy amazed by the stars in the night sky sets off on a great voyage of discovery. A short film inspired by the life and work of Carl Sagan.
WETA studios in New Zealand (where they did the effects for Lord of the Rings and the CG for Avatar!)