This 1960 documentary recreates the universe as it would appear to a voyager barreling through space. This film was among the sources used by Kubrick...
Category - Movies
n addition to being one of my all-time favorite movies, The Lion in Winter has long been one of my favorite Christmas movies as well. A dramatization...
WARNING: spoilers ahead for those who have not seen the movie.
MEGAN is a proof of concept that can be best described as a tribute to Bad Robot’s Cloverfield Universe, considering much inspiration was taken from...
The Academy Award-winning director of Spirited Away, Princess Mononoke, and My Neighbor Totoro goes on a new adventure! Don’t miss Never-Ending Man:...
rrow Video’s release earlier this year of their new restoration of Robert Altman’s Images gives a wider audience a chance to reevaluate a...
“Fox has been asking for a PG-13 basically since the start in 2006,” Ryan Reynolds told Deadline. “I’ve said no since 2006...
This piece was originally published on contributor Ryan Holt’s culture blog, Caves of Altamira. “I’d call him a necromancer. But I do not know if...