he Won’t You Be My Neighbor documentary uses no narrator. Instead it relies completely on interviews with friends, family, partners, and...
Category - Movies
ohn McTiernan’s The Thomas Crown Affair begins with the faint, percussive piano of Bill Conti’s score, which accompanies our first glimpse of the...
The new animated feature film from Studio4°C (Batman Gotham Knight, Animatrix, Tekkonkinkreet) and Ankama (WAKFU series) will be premiering as a...
Daryl Sawchuk, Visual Effects Supervisor for Method Studios and Animation Supervisor for Black Panther, gives WIRED an exclusive look at breakdowns...
ello, my name is Nathan, I write for the riseupdaily.com. On the 8th of May at around 11:30 am I received a message from my editor, asking if I would...
t the time Antoine Fuqua’s The Magnificent Seven was released, the film was broadly dismissed as a pale shadow of its 1960 precursor, which was...
he overbearing ‘parents just don’t understand’ comedy is a classic formula that goes back decades. So maybe it was necessary that someone attempt to...
n Earth’s near future, the world has been invaded by mysterious killer monsters that have turned the planet into a post-apocalyptic landscape largely...
Let’s Talk About That Avengers: Infinity War Ending…
irst off, obviously, this article is full of spoilers. There are spoilers on spoilers on spoilers in here. If you haven’t seen the movie yet and ever...
Avengers: Infinity War is a Battle Over the Finite
“I hated all the things I had toiled for under the sun, because I must leave them to the one who comes after me. And who knows whether that person...