“If there were no room for doubt, there would be no room for me.” ― Frederick Buechner *** At the end of The Force Awakens, Rey (Daisey Ridley) has...
Category - Movies
From visionary filmmakers James Cameron and Robert Rodriguez. #Alita Battle Angel is in theaters July 20, 2018. Directed by: Robert Rodriguez...
After 7 months of research, these are the 105 examples Shawn Kohne found for “That’s gonna leave a mark!”
“You may tell a tale that takes up residence in someone’s soul, becomes their blood and self and purpose. That tale will move them and drive...
I’ve been disappointed for years now that Pixar joined the ranks of Hollywood studio sequel factories. After Up, Pixar strung together a series of...
Marvel finally released a trailer for Avengers Infinity War, with Thanos vs Iron Man, Spider-man, the Guardians of the Galaxy, Captain America, Thor...
Over the years, some of the most iconic movie scenes have taken place on rooftops. Maybe it’s the risk of falling off, or the build up to the...
“It’s harder to heal than it is to kill,” Tamora Pierce, Alanna: The First Adventure —– In a world of film where everything that’s old is...
Murder on the Orient Express (Branagh 2017) is a movie that benefits tremendously from lowered expectations. It certainly doesn’t help that the...
The Florida Project is a film that never stops to explain itself. Light on structure, it appears more as an impressionistic mosaic. I had to step...