Simon Pegg and Nick Frost set out to make their very own Star Wars movie but got as far as one scene.
Category - Movies
Leading Los Angeles based Film Distribution Company ELEVEN ARTS and Toei Animation announced today that they will release the English language...
Debut film from Ridley Scott’s son, Luke Scott, comes a scary sci fi thriller! A corporate troubleshooter (Kate Mara) is sent to a remote, top...
I was always disappointed with the 2 minute theatrical trailer made by the studio for this movie ( – I...
Also watch: 18-Minute Analysis By Christopher Nolan On Story & Construction Of ‘Memento’
Filmmaker Nick Acosta writes: As the 50th anniversary of Star Trek approaches this summer I wanted to do something special to mark its birthday...
In the wake of Google’s AI Go victory, filmmaker Oscar Sharp turned to his technologist collaborator Ross Goodwin to build a machine that could...
Philip K Dick Adaptation to Screen at the official #SDCC Comic-Con International Independent Film Festival 2016
The Crystal Crypt will be screening at the official Comic-Con International Independent Film Festival 2016! Based on a story by Philip K. Dick, and...
In a post-apocalyptic world much like those futuristic world depicted in Akira and Prison Break 2438 where after some catastrophic events plunge...
Here’s your first look at Beauty and the Beast, a live-action retelling of the Disney classic?Coming to theaters 3.17.17.