There is word that Director Nikolaj Arcel, who co-wrote the Swedish version of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and also directed the Academy Award...
Category - Movies
Kung Fury streaming live in less than an hour!.. for FREE! KUNG FURY is an over-the-top action comedy written and directed by David Sandberg. The...
The film tells the story of THE RESIDENTS, a renegade sound and video collective from San Francisco. Their story spans more than 40 years and is...
The retro action-adventure set in a post-apocalyptic future, Turbo Kid has catapulted to distribution heaven after its Sundance screening. Lionsgate...
Exclusive interview with HR Giger Documentary DARK STAR director Belinda Sallin
Childbirth is never fully, consciously processed. The first few hours a human makes its way out of the womb into the world is a life threatening...
Disney has released ‘Pixar Hidden Easter Eggs & Secrets’—revealing two minutes of secrets!
2D Animation time!: Lawn Mower Death Riders + Crystal Crypt mashup
Get the Lawn Mower Death Riders album now!
Watch the Crystal Crypt trailer now:
8-bit Cinema “gamifies” your favorite Hollywood Blockbusters into 80’s arcade and NES inspired action! 8 Bit a.k.a. the third...
Video: Just in time for Mother’s Day, Check out this MOVIE MOMS mashup!
Throughout the history of cinema, mothers have had an everlasting impact on the screen characters we love. And, as we get ready for Mother’s...
In Maggie, Arnold Schwarzenegger plays the downbeat parent of a teenager (Abigail Breslin) bitten by a zombie. Spending most of the movie caring for...