Category - Netflix & Phil
The conclusion to my chat with Sarah Lowe! Enjoy as we spill some tea. And Phil gets overly emotional as he always does with Sarah. You can catch...
It was a great honor to chat with Sarah Lowe, longtime friend whom I met through improv and who also LOVES CATS! Enjoy as we spill some tea. Part 1...
Sara Coates: Twitter: @slcoates Instagram: scoatesy TikTok: scoatesy Phil Faiss: Twitter: @philoweenshow Instagram: philoween TikTok:...
Stay tuned for Part 2 where we take a deep dive into her role on Z Nation as well as the feature Laggies. Sara Coates: Twitter: @slcoates Instagram:...
Netflix & Phil – Emma Louise Webb of HOST Fame
#HappySpookies, everyone! It was a great pleasure to interview Emma Louise Webb of #Host fame today. She gave us some behind the scenes tidbits about...
Phil and Shahab discuss an animated short which just dropped to Netflix!
“It’s Mickey and Judy time!” With a basis in a true news story which circulated in 2010, The Prom introduces us to Emma and Alyssa, two high school...