Category - Star Wars
The side by side comparison is pretty cool too:
A comparison video comparing all changes added into Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope from 1981 to this very day. Note every major Star Wars release...
Away put your weapon. Youtube user maurcs has created the perfect meditation sounds for any Star Wars fan! Enjoy 94 minutes relaxing on Dagobah while...
The Star Wars episodes have been filmed in some of the World’s most stunning locations…Episode VII – The Force Awakens, is no exception. We’re...
Your first look at ROGUE ONE: A STAR WARS STORY in theaters this December.
The footage of Daisy Ridley audition from BuzzFeed.
Erik Bauersfeld, who died Sunday at the age of 93, wasn’t a household name. But his voice was famous — thanks to three little words delivered...
45 minutes of Episode 7 Easter Eggs and references to the other Star Wars trilogies!