Following the fantastic success of The Legend of Zelda: Hyrule Historia, Dark Horse and Nintendo® are excited to announce the next installment in a...
Category - Video Games
Dex tells the story of an AI, Dex, where she is chased by corporate mercs and has to figure out how to get away alive by fighting against dangerous...
Nintendo’s first major gaming console, the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES), heralded the birth of video games we know and love today...
Batman: Arkham VR immerses you in the Dark Knight’s Universe and redefines what it means to Be the Batman. Experience Gotham City through the eyes of...
30+ mechs in multiple classes with more to come Players determine their method of mass destruction. Pilot lightweight assassin-like mechs or wade...
We finally get a look at a platforming level from Cuphead!
This episode featured the following teenagers. Maisie Williams – GUEST STAR! Seth, age 15 Michael & Miracle, age 15 Ethan, age 16 Josh, age...
Injustice 2 continues the epic cinematic story introduced in Injustice: Gods Among Us as Batman and his allies work towards putting the pieces of...
Cuphead art director Chad Moldenhauer joins in for a two-player co-op in the latest build of the stunning bullet-hell shooter. (There is now an easy...
From the official synopsis: Serving as a prequel to the MASS EFFECT game series,”Red Sand” is set 35 years before the time of Commander Shepard and...